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Church Security/Safety Consultation- What is it and what does it cost?

Updated: Jul 7, 2020

Churches, at some point in time, recognize a need for implementing various safety and security measures across the campus. Unfortunately, this typically occurs after an incident, either at their campus or one that has been seen on the news. However, once recognition takes place, the Church has an ignited interest to ensure they are prepared and implement preventative measures.

Church Security should be proactive + intentional + well-rounded

Our first step for any Church is a Security + Safety Consultation on-site at the Campus. This is vitally important because every Church is different from their layout/campus to Sunday procedures to the overall operations and ministries. It is important for us to have a strong understanding of your specific needs which is significantly more beneficial than listening to blanketed recommendation online or even at a conference. Once the Assessment is complete, you will receive a 12-15-page report highlighting all our conversation and providing detailed recommendations that are prioritized. Then we have a follow up meeting to discuss the report and develop a strategic plan to grow this Ministry.

Church Security is a Ministry to the Congregation that allows people to utilize their spiritual gifts to serve the Church.

Here are some of the Topics that are covered at a Security/Safety Consultation:

- Sunday Morning Procedures

- Greeters/Ushers/Deacons

- Weekday Office Procedures

- Offering

- Service Disruptions

- Security in the Children’s Department

- Weekday ministries

- Background Checks

- Inclement Weather

- Medical Emergencies

- Service Disruptions

- Offertory

- Team Development + Needs

- Evacuation

- And more

What does a Consultation Cost:

The typical fee for this consultation can range between $1,200.00 to $1,800 plus expenses depending on the size of the congregation and campus. However, the costs can be reduced when combined with other services such as training, critical incident management plan, or a Sunday morning walk-through.

Contact Us for an FREE Initial Consultation and discussion on how we can serve you.

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