A few things to consider for your next building project...
For many, it seems we have "turned the corner" in the COVID-19 pandemic. Churches are seeing a return to in-person worship. In many...
For many, it seems we have "turned the corner" in the COVID-19 pandemic. Churches are seeing a return to in-person worship. In many...
Churches are working within tight budgets. We get that. But, there are some circumstances where spending a little bit of money on the...
Several years ago, my employer asked me to be a Project Manager / Owner's Representative for a large construction project. The...
Churches need to step back, gain a new perspective, and see the fullness of the reality of their circumstances.
Many churches have some form of Vision / Mission Statement or even a long-range Strategic Plan. If you're lucky, your church secretary...
The most frequent underlying cause of disunity on a church staff or within a leadership team is lack of shared vision and purpose.
One of the things we encourage in every church we work with...is to examine how the ministry of the church fits into the one body.
How you handle the money entrusted to you for Kingdom work says a lot about how you view this sacred function.
In my years of ministry as a senior pastor, executive pastor, and now church consultant, one thing I have tried to impress upon my staff,...
We get requests for church security assessments on a weekly basis. Many churches realize that they must start thinking about safety and...
Leadership has as many different definitions as there are people trying to define it. Many theories have emerged as to what makes a good...
One of the biggest decisions facing church leaders today is whether to open their churches for in-person worship, and, if so, what...
If you read through our posts, you will find several on Church Security. The first step in evaluating and improving your safety ministry...
Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.
In an effort to support Churches during the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are waiving our fees (Until 9/01/2020) for a Facility Site...
Pastors are having mixed feelings when it comes to a construction project and the continued uncertain times brought about by COVID-19. ...
One of our partnered organizations, Insurance One, developed a great article for Churches that are planning to build. Below is a...
There are many considerations a Church should systematically approach when looking to build a campus, renovate, or expand. Typically,...
Contents of this Blog was provided by Insurance One In today’s society it is the Churches obligation to take every step to help provide a...